For those of you who are waiting for your images, thank you for your patience. I guess it's time me to take a trip to Pictureline and dump a whole load of money for my upgrades to my computer (weep and wail!) It's fun to have the upgrades, but not so fun to spend the hundreds of dollars!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My main editing software has decided to no longer import files into it. NICE :( So, what does this mean? It means I can work on anything until I upgrade it. It has just suddenly decided to not work for me anymore. There you go... right in the middle of the busy season and when I have STACKS of files just sitting there waiting for me to work on them.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So this little stud participated in my portfolio sessions and we had such a blast! You will get to see those images in a little while.
But for now, check out these! Before his session, his mom asked if I could shoot a few of him in his church clothes for his upcoming baptism. I was happy to do so! I LOVE how these turned out! Good job Mr. "C"... you look "studly" (I used that term a lot during the session and he thought that was such a funny word, or maybe that I was just a little odd :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Little Miss Personality...
K- seriously, this girl has sooo much personality! We had a blast with her photo shoot (I have so many pictures of her laughing hysterically!) Gosh... I didn't know I was that funny! So here are a few for her mom who has been patiently waiting! I'll post some more soon, so be on the lookout! She's just too darn cute!

Friday, October 9, 2009
Can I just say I LOVE my job!
I had someone ask me the other day after a photo session if I dreaded going home to sift through the photos and start the editing process. Yes, I admit... parts of it are a little overwhelming to me. And more often than not, I immediately criticize my own work "why didn't I place her arm somewhere else!"... or "dang it, I made the same mistake again!" But, once I get past the initial shock of viewing my photos, I start to see the fun emerge. And when I come across a photo like this one...I almost jump up and down in anticipation to start working on it! (yes... I know, I'm a little cheesy).
Check out this image! Miss "K", you look GORGEOUS!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dear Friends!
I am excited to release to you my NEW PHOTO PACKAGES! Although the packages are optional, you won't want to miss out on them because you get a lot more for your money than you would otherwise. Each package offers exciting print AND cd options! I also have a package just for Christmas Card pictures!
PLEASE feel free to email me with any questions regarding my new pricing... I look forward to chatting with you!
Also, if the following document is too small for you to read, please email me and I'll send you one directly to your email... I'm not sure how to make it bigger on this blog :) You should be able to click on it to make it bigger, if not... email me!
Oh and a la carte print prices... just email me and I'll send you my flyer!

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